Any time spent in Germany would be incomplete without a hike. It’s the country’s national pastime. So whether you live here or are just stopping by, getting on a trail is something you must do in order to experience and understand this place a little more intensively. What better way to do so than on a Quality or Premium Hike? Leave it to the Germans to develop a calculated approach to determining exactly what that means. This page breaks down exactly what Quality Hikes are and how you can find them, so you can get onto the best trails in Germany.

forest märkische schweiz
Märkische Schweiz Rundweg – Quality Hike in Brandenburg

In Germany there are two groups of outdoor fanatics certifying hiking trails with their seal. Premium Hikes are certified by the Deutsche Wanderinstitut, while Quality Hikes are awarded by Wanderbares Deutschland. This page has information about Quality Hikes. (Find out more about Premium Hikes)

Quality Hikes

Deutsche Wanderverband logo

The rating Qualitätsweg Wanderbares Deutschland (“Quality Trail Wander-full (hike-able) Germany”) sets Germany-wide standards for hiking trails. An accredited trail is the foundation for an impressive hiking experience. Because hikers’ trail standards have increased, the Deutsche Wanderverband has developed measurable criteria to rate the attractiveness of a trail.

quality hike seal wanderbares deutschland

For the Deutsche Wanderverband, it is important that the criteria for Quality Hikes be clear, indisputable, and transparent. They want to make sure that these criteria meet the needs of today’s hikers while at the same time considering environment conservation and integrating all interest groups.  


Quality Hikes can be long, multi-day tours (20 or more kilometers) or short, thematically-aligned routes (2-25 kilometers). Both types of trail are analyzed based on five pillars of criteria:

  • Trail Format – way, surface, width
  • Guidance – ability to follow the trail, trail marker
  • Nature/Landscape – natural attractions, landscape formations
  • Culture – regional sights, historical buildings and monuments
  • Civilization – accommodations, public transportation stops, parking, surroundings

All trails are certified for a period of three years after which they must be recertified.

Who Decides

When a region (tourism board, hiking club, large conservation area, etc.) is interested in certifying a trail as a Quality Hike, several members of the group attend a two-day training run by members of the Deutsche Wanderverband. This allows the group to analyze their own trail and identify where its strengths and weaknesses are. They can then make necessary adjustments before applying to become a certified Quality Hike. Once an application is received, a team from Deutsche Wanderverband reviews the submitted data and hike the trail themselves to ascertain its quality. If all goes well, the trail is awarded a Quality Hike seal.

Long Distance Quality Hikes

Lange Qualitätswege, Long Distance Quality Hikes, are at least 20 kilometers long and often intended to be multi-day tours. Each hike is rated by 9 core criteria and 23 optional criteria which are spread over the five pillars. The hikes are analyzed in 4 kilometer spurts.

What are the Criteria for Long Distance Quality Hikes?

A trail must meet all 9 core criteria by the end of the hike. A section may earn 1 or 2 points per optional criteria, but every 4 km section must earn at least 11 points in order for the trail to become a certified Quality Hike.

Core Criteria

Altogether there are 9 core criteria used to rate Long Distance Quality Hikes. At least 35% of the hike must be on natural nature-surrounded trails. No more than 5% can be on poorly walkable trail, at most 1500m at once. No more than 20% of the route can be on hard surfaces, at most a 3 km stretch. Busy streets should be far away from Quality Hikes. At most, 3% of the hike is permitted to be on a busy road and as much as 10% near such streets. 100% of the route must contain user-friendly trail markers. At least two different types of landscapes must be present every 8 kilometers. Per 8 km there must be at least 4 “experience points” awarded for nature, landscape, culture, and other highlights. Lastly, at most 7.5% of the trail may be surrounded by intensively utilized land.

Optional Criteria

The optional criteria upon which a Long Distance Quality Hike is rated is based upon the five pillars. Trail Format has to do with the naturalness, width, surface, walkability, and proximity to highly traveled roads. Guidance refers to the trail marking system, as well as other information along the way and connection to other trails. The natural diversity, peace, attractiveness, natural bodies of water, natural highlights (cliffs, waterfalls, etc.), and impressive views count towards Nature/Landscape. Picturesque towns, local noteworthy sites (chapels, etc.), and regional highlights (castles, palaces, historic buildings) are taken into account for Culture. In terms of Civilization, intensively used land, gastronomic opportunities, public transportation stops, and rest opportunities are considered.

Short Quality Hikes

Kürze Qualitätswege, or Short Quality Hikes, are 2-25 kilometers long and align to a theme. There are 8 themes in all, each designed to reach a different target group. All of the trails have the same core criteria to fill, but with different boundary limits, and some additional criteria depending on the theme. Most of these trails are 4-25 kilometers long.

Short Quality Hike Themes

Traumtouren (dream tours) are all-around good hikes with a nice mix of cultural and natural highlights. Regionaler Genuss (regional enjoyment) is designed to give you a culinary experience along the way with the ability to taste regional products in restaurants, guesthouses, or cafés. To get some culture along the route, a Kulturerlebnis (literally “cultural experience”) is the right choice. Naturvergnügen (natural pleasure) will lead to a particularly close connection to nature and requires either a long stretch or several spots on the route with natural stillness and quiet. A bit less natural, the Stadtwanderung (city trail) allows hikers to discover cities differently by showing them unexpected corners and perspectives.

Three of the thematic trails are a bit shorter. If you’re hiking with children, then Familenspaß (family fun) offers a brief hike (2-10 km) ideal for children from 4 years of age, often combined with some kind of activity like climbing or playing in the stream. Komfortwandern (comfortable trails) are 2-7 km long, barrier-free (without stairs, etc.), and offer lots of quiet places to rest to gather strength and take in the view. Great for colder days are the Winterglück trails (winter delight). These hikes are 4-12 km long and are also maintained in winter, offering a safe option for hiking in snowy conditions.

What are the Criteria for Short Quality Hikes?

The 9 core criteria used for Long Distance Quality Hikes are also used for Short Quality Hikes. The boundaries for the amount present of each item depends on the theme. For example, at most 5% of a Traumtour can be poorly walkable, but that drops to 0% for a Komfortwandern route. Additionally, there are theme specific requirements. For instance, a Familienspaß trail must have no dangerous parts (like traffic or steep cliffs), at least two child appropriate rest places, and at least one play option per two kilometers.

What are Chris’s Recommendations?

So far, I’ve completed three Quality Hikes. In September 2020, I hiked the 280 km long Westweg through the Black Forest over 12 days. This trail was a wonderful experience and is Germany’s oldest long distance trail. The Märkische Schweiz Loop in Brandenburg was so great that it was my best hike of 2020! Although my own experience on the Schlaubetal was a bit stressful, many people say it is the best trail in Brandenburg. Find all posts about Quality Hikes here.

Where are Quality Hikes?

While Wanderbares Deutschland has hiking suggestions in all 16 German states, there are Quality Hikes in 14 of them: Bavaria, Baden-Württemberg, Brandenburg, Bremen, Hamburg, Hesse, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern, North Rhineland-Westphalia, Rhineland Palatinate, Saarland, Saxony, Saxony-Anhalt, and Thuringia.

quality hike Turmweg hiking in Brandenburg
Long Distance Quality Hike: Oderlandweg, Section: Turmweg

How do I find them?

You can find Quality Hikes Long Distance and Short Hikes, as well as Quality Regions, on this map. By clicking “Fernwanderwege” and then “Lange Qualitätswege” you will find all Long Distance Quality Hikes. Choosing “Kürze Wege” and then “Kürze Qualitätswege” will show you all Short Quality Hikes.

Quality Regions

Wanderbares Deutschland also certifies Quality Regions, of which there are now four: Sauerland Wanderdörfer, Frankenwald, Zweitälerland, and Spessart Räuberland. The regions have hiking maps, hiking recommendations with brochures, internet presence with interactive maps, guided hikes, hiking gear services, sufficient public transportation, and hiking holiday packages.

Leading Quality Trails

Deutsche Wanderverband has also partnered with the European Ramblers Association’s Leading Quality Trails, which seeks to find the best trails in Europe. The ERA is an umbrella organization of 65 hiking/walking organizations in 35 European countries. Currently, five trails in Germany have also been additionally certified as Leading Quality Trails: Donauberglandweg, Moselsteig, Veldenzwanderweg, Zeugenbergrunde um Neumarkt, and Lechweg.

Now that you know all about Quality Hikes, you can get out there and explore the best that Germany has to offer!